+972-55-979-5907 - גיטל דינוביץ 6 - Jerusalem, Israel - We Ship Worldwide

About Us

Tefillin.co is an online distributor of Tefillin.

Our certified team of experts, located in the holy land of Israel, works very hard in order to guarantee the quality of all our products.

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, we strongly believe in the importance of Jewish men above 13 wearing Tefillin. 

We work very hard to reach jews around the world who don’t have a valid pair of Tefillin, or don’t have Tefillin at all, making sure they get a Kosher and certified pair of Tefillin.

Please visit us at  גיטל דינוביץ 6, Jerusalem,  and meet our staff leaded by Rabbi Shneor Zalmen Libman, an experienced Sofer and Tefillin expert.

You can contact Rabbi Libman at +972-55-979-5907.

For more information please contact us.

Titles and certifications: